Saturday, June 6, 2009

Intended for Eternity?

So I just started reading the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible, which is all about how trying to obtain satisfaction in life on our own, without God, is meaningless, and like chasing the wind.  This one verse stuck out to me tonight, it’s 3:11. 

It states, “He [God] has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity on the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

This verse confused me at first, so I looked at what the footnotes had to say about it, and they talked about how man was created to live for all eternity; without death.  But, because of sin, we must now die.  The world is so huge, and God intended us to spend eternity here, having time to be fully satisfied.  Now that death comes into play, we are only on earth for a short time, and do not have the time to become fully fulfilled and satisfied.  That is why we work so hard… but for what gain?  Will we even be remembered after we are gone?  Will someone come behind us and undo all the work we did in our lifetime?  Will the possessions that meant so much to us on earth mean anything to anyone else after we are gone?  Solomon is right…with that perspective, it all seems so meaningless.  Sometimes I wish I could forget about money, forget about going to school, forget about having things, a house, a car, anything… and just go with my Bible and spread the gospel far and wide.  If only it were that easy.  Maybe Christ intended it to be that easy, but I’m too scared to trust Him to keep me safe and alive.  Maybe He doesn’t want me to be safe or alive.  I’m more comfortable being in school, doing what I do here everyday.  Interesting to think about.

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