Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Winter Is Upon Us...

One thing I love about living in Virginia is the mild winters. I guess compared to Warroad, MN, any winter is mild. But last year was the first year I was here all winter, and I only needed a jacket. This year so far is not looking so hopeful. It's November 19, and it's cold out. It's below 30 already. This morning after taking Rob to work, I came back home and am now working on homework (I'm taking a break to blog). But I am sitting on the couch with my huge mink blanket on, in long sleeves, thick socks, and sweatpants, and I'm freezing! I don't like turning the heat on because where the heat vent is located, the air comes out warm, but by the time it gets to me on the couch, it feels like cold air and it makes me even colder and dries my eyes out. I don't want a breeze in the house right now.

This type of weather makes me wish more than ever that I lived in a cozy little modern house with a puppy and a fireplace and no homework. I would love to curl up in front of the fire on my poof with my amazing husband and puppy and some raspberry hot chocolate with marshmallows and watch a funny movie! And I don't want a little ratlike puppy that is crazy and hyper and runs all over. I want a cute, sweet, fluffy puppy that loves to snuggle like I do. Aw, that all sounds so great. Maybe one day! For now, I guess it's back to reality: homework while under my big blanket with no fire, puppy, or husband (since he's at work), but I think I'm going to go make some raspberry hot chocolate! Here comes winter.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Analyzing Toilet Paper

Ok, so, the other day I bought some toilet paper because we were getting low, and as I was taking it to put it in the bathroom I noticed that on the back it said "Safe for all standard septic systems." Being that it is toilet paper, I should hope that it is safe for my septic system. Where else would it go? Is there toilet paper that is not safe for septic systems? Then, underneath that, the package said, "If you have any questions or concerns, please call us toll free at 1-800....." I find this hilarious. First of all, what person has questions about toilet paper? Is it that difficult to use? Second of all, whose job is it to sit in an office and answer phone calls from people who have questions and concerns about their toilet paper? How many phone calls do they receive each day? Do they actually tell people where they work when asked? Then again, what kind of person analyzes a toilet paper package long enough to write about it on their blog?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day...Finally!

So, today is finally election day. I'm so glad. I am so sick of all the campaign commercials and character bashing. It's not limited to just the presidential candidates, it's also the local candidates. It's gone on for so many months, and now it's finally over! But yes, I did do my civic duty and voted early this morning before taking Rob to work. I'm always curious to know if my vote really even matters. But I decided that if all people were like me and wondered if their vote really makes any difference and then we all don't vote, then I'm sure that would make a difference, so I voted, and it did feel nice because I am an American. After voting and taking Rob to work I went to the gym where all the TV channels were on news stations and so was the radio, and I kept hearing people say "Vote Responsibly." What exactly does that mean? It doesn't even make sense to say. What someone else may deem as responsible voting may be what I consider irresponsible voting. Makes no sense.

One thing that adds a whole new perspective to Election Day is Romans 13:1 whice states that "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." This verse obviously brings up the question of well what if the authorities stand for something that is not acceptable to God, like abortion or same-sex marriages? We have to remember that God isn't waiting like we are to see who wins this election and then will plan around that. No, He knows who and He has a purpose for whatever happens! It is important to remember that although we are called to obey worldly authority, our identity does not come from this world, and our security does not come from this economy.

Welcome to freedom from campaign ads, at least for a little over 3 years until the next election begins.