Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Real Superman

I, beyond the shadow of a doubt, have the greatest husband in the whole world! The other morning I was looking at some of the pics we took while on our honeymoon in Jamaica and I started thinking how I want to go back there now because I think we'd have way more fun now than we did then. We had a blast when we went nearly 16.5 months ago, but we are so much closer now than then! I remember wondering back then how we could get any closer than we were when we were married, but now, 16.5 months later, we are SO much closer than back then!

Not only is Rob my husband, he's also my hairdresser, academic advisor, and my chiropractor. I popped my right hip socket out the other day at the gym and it had been bothering me. Last night I showed Rob where it hurt and he popped it back in after some working of it, and now it feels brand new! He also aligned my back which is a great feeling! Just saved us nearly $100. What a guy!! He's so sweet and loving, and he makes me laugh ALL the time! Of course there are times that are tough, but every day is a blast being married to him! I love him so much! He's definitely my Superman. Maybe I'll get him some blue tights to show him my appreciation!

Monday, October 20, 2008

I Love Weekends!

This past weekend was a really great weekend! Rob's best friend and college roommate for 3 years came with his wife for a visit from Ohio. It was great to see them, and it was a lot of fun. It's so funny to hear Rob and Brandon telling stories of things that had happened on the hall. My cheeks hurt from laughing so much over the weekend. They are quite the pair. I'm so thankful that Rob has a close friend like him! Hopefully we can go visit them sometime. They are having a baby in February. I think that Rob wants a baby now. haha... Not for a while!

Rob and I are feeling the closeness of graduation approaching. We will both be finished this upcoming May. I will be starting my M.A. in Counseling in January while finishing one last undergrad class, and will walk in May since there isn't a December graduation. Time has just flown by! I can't believe that I've been in college over 3 years now. I remember feeling nervous about leaving home for the first time and driving to Liberty. Now I've been here for so long! And my parents are trying to talk me into coming home for a visit, but I really don't want to, cuz I love it here and get bored when I go home because nothing ever changes there.

Well, I have to go get ready for class. Back to normal after a great weekend! :)