Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Good News and Bad News

So... good news - there is no longer an 18 in spot on the wall
Bad news - there is not a 4ft. by 4ft spot on the wall
The magic erasers don't really take the spot away, just kinda spread it out AND it definitely took some paint off the wall. Looks like we'll be painting soon. Not very soon, but soon. Dumb.

So on another note. I'm watching the news and to be honest, I think this whole poor economy situation is good for some people. The people who are most affected and most upset are the people whose lives are surrounded by money and people who get their security and identity from money. Maybe this is a good wake up call to show them that there is life apart from having a huge excess of money as your security and that losing some money isn't the end of the world. Maybe it's a good thing for them to lose their life as they know it so that they can take realize the other assets they have in life other than wealth and materialism. I don't like the raise in prices of everything but my mom always says, "God didn't die yesterday you know." And God promises to supply all the needs of those who love and trust Him. It may not be a brand new X-Box or a closet full of designer jeans and shoes, but just like He gave manna in the wilderness, He'll give us food and shelter for today. Maybe it's time that people realize their false sense of security when they rely on their stocks and safety deposit boxes for security and realize that only God brings true security. It could be a revival in America.

Big Black Spot

Ok, so I love my husband dearly! ?He is amazing. But one thing that is very different between us is his desire to change things in the apartment ALL the time. For the past couple weeks he's been talking about moving the office around but I would always kinda just avoid the subject, so it never really got decided. Finally last week he told me he was moving the office around, so after I told him that I think it is fine where it is, but he can move it if he wants to, he moved it all around. Then he started talking about moving the living room around. Our living room consists of our TV on the TV stand, a couch, the poof which is huge, and 2 end tables. Not much... I told him that I think how we have it now allows for the amount of space we have to be used in a good way and that it makes the room look as big as it can. But he persisted in wanting to move the living room around, so finally this past Saturday night (around midnight) he did.

Well, when he moved the TV, there was this huge dark black spot on the wall behind where the TV has sat since we moved in. I don't know what it is, but it was not good. I figured a little 409 spray would take it off no problem. Not exactly. It took off the top layer, but a big black spot on a white wall does not go away easily. I took every cleaner I had in the house to the spot, but nothing worked, not even straight bleach. It looks better than it did, but now since I've scrubbed and scrubbed, the spot is now a 18 inch gray circle where my circular motions from scrubbing are very obvious.

It drives me crazy. When I walk in the door, its the first thing I see. When I'm sitting on the couch doing homework, I can't concentrate cuz the ugly spot is staring at me from across the room. It's horrible. So, today I got some magic erasers but was warned that it might take off the paint along with the spot (just great). So I used the eraser on a small area in the middle of the spot and it took the spot off, but now I'm waiting for it to dry and check if the paint is ok. Please let the paint be ok. I don't have time to paint the room right now, cuz you know that if you paint one wall the others will look dingy so you have to paint them all.

So last night, not even a week after moving the office around already, my amazing husband decides he wants to move it around again....so I gave up trying to make him forget about the idea and told him he can do what he wants. As long as I can get this stupid spot off the wall in the living room, I'll be ok.

I have to go check out my testing area...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Semester Blues

So this semester has been one of the hardest for me yet... not hard as in the work is hard, this is actually one of my easiest semesters in a while as far as the workload goes, but it's just that I've finished all my Youth and Psyc classes, so this semester is just the last classes that I need to finish in December. I'm taking Bible 350 which is good and I'm learning a lot of practical and helpful ways to study the Bible but a lot of it I've already learned. I like the homework. You can't really complain about homework when the homework is studying the Bible, ya know. Other than that, I'm taking two Literature classes, a computer class, and a church min. class. I enjoy the church min. class a lot, but the other ones I just want to get through and move on to my Masters classes. Even though this semester is kind of boring compared to normal, it's flying by, so I really can't complain.

Scaremare is coming up in October. I'm working all 3 Fridays and Saturdays. I'm pretty pumped to work at it again this year. It's such a rush! Last year I worked in the preaching tents which was intense, definitely out of my comfort zone, but I learned SO much! This year I'm actually in a room which I'm sure will be sweet! I need some excitement right now and what better way to get excitement than to scare a few thousand people out of their minds for a few weekends!

Uh oh, I just realized that I just finished off the sweet tea and don't have another gallon ready yet. This is not a good thing in our house! Better go make some more or else tomorrow could be a really long day! Bye for now.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Everyday Irony

It's not even 11:30 am yet and irony has already taken place. Last night I had a dream that I don't really remember but my friends house was in it, and I woke up thinking about my friend and realized I haven't talked to her for a while so I made a mental note to myself that I should send her a quick message on facebook sometime this morning. Before I got the chance, I logged on to facebook and she had sent me a message. It was crazy!

Then, just a few minutes ago, I was getting ready to read for my Literature class and I was recalling a conversation that I had with a friend over the weekend about how being off campus is weird at first but then you find it nice because it is quiet and you are able to get a lot more work done. So I kind of agreed with our conversation in my mind again and was thinking how nice and quiet it was and how it was raining outside and was a good day to get some hardcore Literature reading done. So right when I sat down to read I heard something, and yes, it was my neighbors above me, playing Christmas music loudly. Now, I understand how Christmas music is good music for the most part, but not anytime before Thanksgiving should it be played! Not only could I hear the music, but I could hear someone singing along to it too...just perfect for reading already boring Literature that takes all my concentration in order to understand and remember what I'm reading for the test. Thankfully since starting this post the music and the singing along has stopped. I think that this is going to be an interesting day.