Thursday, July 16, 2009

Littles Joys in Life

Small things that bring a great amount of joy to me:

-time with Rob
-sweet tea
-double dates with good friends
-the poof
-taking walks
-girl time
-good conversations
-good sarcasm
-a new recipe
-art projects
-finding a good bargain
-getting a good grade on something I worked hard on
-roadtrips (even small ones)
-zumba class (and watching the ppl who have no rhythm)
-Michael Jackson songs/videos
-my bamboo plant
-getting "real" mail
-learning a new word
-talking to old friends after not talking to them for a long time
-thunder storms
-diamonds (guess those aren't so small, oh well)
-inside jokes
-keith green songs
-modern art

There are more..... but the hubby wants to go to bed! Yay! I love him!

1 comment:

Becky said...

So I just found your blog! Yay!

Funny thing is that we are more alike than I thought. I just did a post today almost identical to yours, and I hadn't even seen your blog yet! :) Great minds think alike!!