Monday, January 24, 2011

Wishing for Spring

I absolutely HATE to admit it, but I think the south is wearing off on me.... in this one area at least.  It has been unusually cold lately for Lynchburg, VA (meaning consistently in the 20-30's) - nowhere close to Minnesotan cold or anything, however, I am so ready for winter to be over and for spring to arrive.  The issue is that our apartment rarely gets warmer than 60 degrees (mostly around 55 degrees).  We were told that our heat pump is not made for "record breaking cold weather" (haha) and that there is nothing we can do to get our heat to work better.  On top of office is consistently cold as well.  Therefore, the only times I can get warm are when I'm in the car, at the gym, or in bed under 3 comforters.  I cannot wait for it to get warmer.

Another reason that I am anxious for the arrival of spring is because springtime brings along with it lots of green and other bright colors.  I have been itching to go on a photowalk for the past couple of weeks...and I'm ready to capture some great colors of spring!  Oh warmth and sunshine...please come soon!!

Here is a lovely picture to hold me over for a couple more months.  I wish.


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