Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday = Funday

So, day 1 of our challenge went well.  We came home and made lunch together, which is always fun.  Then tonight we went to a concert, then got home somewhat late.  I know that normally we most likely would have grabbed something fast on the way home, since it was late, but we came home and made a quick dinner together out of leftovers from a couple of nights ago.  So, it went well! 

We went to see Jimmy Needham at the new Muse Eight-Thirty coffee house/club in downtown Lynchburg.  It was such a great concert! I really enjoy soulful music...I didn't used to, but in the last few years, I've really begun to love it! Not everything needs to be hard and fast.  I love when artists are real and genuine on the stage...and don't have an arrogant attitude that everyone is there to see them.  A number of times, he spoke about how his main purpose is to spread the gospel and exalt Christ higher through his life and work...and talked about working towards having the attitude of John the Baptist, that we should completely desire for Christ to increase, we must decrease.  That is such a foreign concept in today's narcissistic, self-focused, self-worshiping culture.  It was really a message I needed to hear.  It was a great evening....and I saw a couple friends that I haven't seen in a while, so that's always fun!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Our 2-Week Challenge

So, Rob and I eat out a lot.  Definitely too much.  Since I've been working full time, it's so much easier to stop and grab something to eat on the way home than take time to cook once we get home.  And this semester is one of our craziest as Rob has class until 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursday (I go to the library and do homework from 5-6:30) and then I have zumba on those same nights at 8.  Wednesday nights, we get off work at 5 or a little after, and have to be in Bedford which is 30 minutes away by 6:30 for youth group.  Friday night we usually designate as date night. 

So, tonight Rob and I were talking about where we'd like to go out to eat for Valentine's Day (which we are actually celebrating on Saturday, the 12th).  Somehow that conversation turned into how we need to eat out less.  I then came up with a challenge for us:  We do not eat out at all until Valentine's Day.  If we fail the challenge, we eat at home for Valentine's Day and spend the money we'd normally use for dinner that night on groceries.  Rob agreed to it, and now that is our challenge for the next 2 weeks.  I am excited to try it and see how much money we save...but also know that it means I need to do more planning ahead as far as meals go so that it lessens the temptations to just grab something quick on the way home.  I think I'm going to try to use my crock pot more.  I use it every now and then...but not nearly enough.  Another strategy is to make some casseroles and then split them into gladware for lunches for the week, so that we can just grab them out of the fridge in the morning....and get some fruit and crackers for snacks.

So, I'll keep you posted on how things go! :)    


Monday, January 24, 2011

Wishing for Spring

I absolutely HATE to admit it, but I think the south is wearing off on me.... in this one area at least.  It has been unusually cold lately for Lynchburg, VA (meaning consistently in the 20-30's) - nowhere close to Minnesotan cold or anything, however, I am so ready for winter to be over and for spring to arrive.  The issue is that our apartment rarely gets warmer than 60 degrees (mostly around 55 degrees).  We were told that our heat pump is not made for "record breaking cold weather" (haha) and that there is nothing we can do to get our heat to work better.  On top of office is consistently cold as well.  Therefore, the only times I can get warm are when I'm in the car, at the gym, or in bed under 3 comforters.  I cannot wait for it to get warmer.

Another reason that I am anxious for the arrival of spring is because springtime brings along with it lots of green and other bright colors.  I have been itching to go on a photowalk for the past couple of weeks...and I'm ready to capture some great colors of spring!  Oh warmth and sunshine...please come soon!!

Here is a lovely picture to hold me over for a couple more months.  I wish.


Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 Begins..

It is now 2011.  Each time I approach New Year's, I feel both sadness and excitement.  Sadness because another good year has passed, and I'll never have the same experiences ever again.  Excitement because I never know what adventure's will take place in the new year.  2010 carried a lot of new adventures.  Some of the highlights being: working at Camp Good News in MN in July, surprising my dad for his birthday in MN, moving to a new apartment which we LOVE LOVE LOVE, me working full time, Rob getting a big raise, working with our youth group, making new friends, our trip to Kansas City for Christmas, etc...

I am excited to see what 2011 will bring.  Moreso than that, I am excited to see what God will do in 2011, and am excited to be a part of His work.  I believe that some big things are going to take place in 2011...and I can't wait to see how God guides.