Whenever I think back to when I was younger, I always think the same thing: Man was I a dumb kid! haha. I think we all did things that we thought were "cool" at the time but later on realize that it was far from cool. That's what being a kid is all about.
Lately I've been thinking about this one time growing up that my brother, Matt and I always laugh about now that we are older (and wiser, of course....right). This particular memory takes place when we were approximately 11 and 7. We lived next to this man who had a large great dane. We were scared to death of it. This particular day we had our rollerblades on, and for some reason we were walking along the side of the house in the grass, in our rollerblades. We always rollerbladed on the dead end street in front of the house. I have no idea why we were in the grass, but we were.
Right as we were pretty far into the yard, the neighbor's great dane bolts out of his garage and charges toward us at full speed, barking. We both screamed like little ninnies, but we couldn't run or move because we had rollerblades on and were in the grass. So we just stood there and held on to each other. Fortunately, our neighbor heard the barking and our screaming and ran out and called the dog back before he got to us. It was terrifying. We both shuffled quickly on into the house and stayed inside rest of the afternoon. We were now even more scared of that stupid dog.
I have always been terrified of dogs, and I am wondering if this was the initial incident that may have caused my fear.... I don't know. But either way, it's a funny story. One of many funny/dumb incidents that happened as we were growing up. I'll post more in the future.
6 months
9 years ago
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