Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Change of Face

So tonight Rob told me that he might start his own blog, so that means that this blog is all mine now.  So, time for a change.

I named MY blog Ruby Red Perspective because I feel that I have a unique perspective to offer.  Red is my favorite color because it is bright, vibrant, and cheerful.  The Chinese view red as a sign of good fortune and many paint their front doors red as a way of wishing wellness on all who enter.  The Zen philosophy considers red a sign of positive energy and happiness.  I'm not a follower of the Zen religion, but some of their concepts are kind of neat.

I get told a lot that it seems like I am always happy, and yes, there are very few days where I don't have a smile on my face.  I can have joy through Christ and I truly desire to love people for who they are, not what they should be.  I have a very positive yet realistic view on life and love to share the joy God has given to me with others who need a breath of fresh year every now and then.

"Going green" is a big trend right now, and I'm all for it and want to do my part, but along with going green, I want to "live red." Studies show that positivity, laughing and smiling are therapeutic and are healthy for the body and mind.  Through Christ we are new creations, and even though life may send us through storms, Christ always guides us through them.  For that reason, we can smile freely without guilt!  I am excited to take this blog in a new direction and see where we go.  Yay for a change of face.


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