Friday, August 7, 2009

So Long Summer...See Ya Next Year

So... although school does not start for another two weeks, summer is nearly over. Starting this upcoming Sunday Lynchburg will be blanketed with college students once again as LU leadership returns, then soon all LU students will be back. I must admit, I like Lynchburg so much more during the summer than I do when school is in session. During the summer, it feels like a normal town, not like one giant college campus. It is actually possible to find parking spaces, Walmart lines are not nearly as long, coffee shops are quieter and not packed with people, and things are just quieter and nicer altogether.

There are things I am looking forward to this fall, however. Like...
-Football games, gotta love those! I get into them. :)
-I'm excited to start up my new classes. I absolutely LOVE residential counseling classes and am taking two this semester! Very excited to learn all that I can!
-I'm looking forward to the leaves changing colors before winter. I've never been a fan of fall until moving to VA. Now, it's one of my favorite seasons (along with summer and spring, all tied for my favorite). I love driving down Lynchburg Expressway looking at the amazing leaves. My friend Michelle showed me this sweet walking trail downtown that is in a canopy of trees, and I'm definitely planning on taking some fall pictures down there while the leaves are vibrant.
-Rob and I are starting our own Bible study together on the book of Psalm this fall. We've always done our quiet times separately as we both learn different ways, but we decided to go through the Psalms together this fall at the same time that Rob is taking a class on the book of Psalm. I think it will be a great time of growth and praise!
-I am looking forward to going to some of LU's Theater productions. Rob and I love going to plays and Liberty's theater department puts on some quality shows. In fact, one of our early dates before we started dating was seeing "Guys and Dolls." We saw one show this summer, and it was awesome, so I'm ready for more!
-Date nights! For some reason, fall always seems slower and less crazy than winter, spring, and summer, and I have some new ideas for some great fall date nights with Rob!
-Cake decorating class! The class that Rob got for me for my birthday was pushed back to September, which actually works out better than when they were originally scheduled. I'm so excited to take these classes and continue to develop my new hobby of cake decorating.
-My parents are coming to visit in October, and I am looking forward to that a lot! It's always great to have them here to visit!

Hmm... after looking at all these things I am excited about in the fall, I'm not so sad about summer ending so soon after all. Just goes to show that there is always something to be happy about and look forward to. I'm going to Barnes in a little bit to get my books for the fall semester....I know, I'm a nerd, but I always get excited about getting my books, especially counseling books! Just need to finish some homework, take a shower, and be on my way! :)

1 comment:

Becky said...

I admit, I like summer here better for many of the same reasons you do!

The cake decorating class sounds like so much fun! I wish Tim didn't work at night, because there are so many things that sound like fun to your cake class. Take pics of your creations for me! :)

Have a good weekend!!!