Today has been a sad day... Actress Farrah Fawcett died from her battle with cancer. I must admit, she was before my time, and although I know who she is, I really never saw her at work.
Then, this afternoon Michael Jackson died unexpectantly. I was not old enough to appreciate him during his prime, but I absolutely love his work! I did a lot of dance choreography in high school, and really enjoyed it, and would love more if I ever got a chance. Michael Jackson is the best dancer this world has ever seen. I might not agree with all the actions of Michael Jackson, but I definitely respect him as an artist and dancer, and I find great joy in listening to his music. Something about it just gets me pumped up... it always has.
I do feel sorry for him. From a psychological perspective, Michael's childhood presents a lot of reason as to why he acted how he did as an adult. It makes a lot of sense when you look at it that way. A lot of people have said cruel things about him, but the fact is that he is a creation of God and a life that God loves. In an interview I saw of him while watching a documentary of his life a few minutes ago, he said that he believes in God. Now, a lot of people say they "believe in God," so I'm not saying that he's a born-again Christian, but it does mean that he has thought about God, and that means that there is a small chance that at one point in his life he could have gotten saved. I don't know. I pray that he did. There is no way of knowing. I do know that he has a large family who is close and that they are in shock and are mourning right now. We need to focus on praying for them.

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