So throughout my life I have had many "dream jobs" at one point or another. Some include: detective, hand-writing analyst, FBI agent, fashion designer, etc... but lately I've found two jobs that I would love to have. First is a behavior analyst in any realm, but preferably in the area of criminal justice. I absolutely LOVE observing how people behave and can usually pinpoint why they behave like they do by hearing a little about them, or just by simply observing them for a longer period of time. More than not, I'm usually correct in my analyzing and can usually predict future behavior based on present behavior. It definitely helps with the kids I work with. Once figuring out why they act like they do, it's easier to help them.
The second dream job I have but am much less familiar with is interior design. I love to work with colors and material and furniture and patterns and putting it all together with creativity to create things or spaces. I have no formal training in decorating, but it's something I would love to do on the side one day, after I'm out of grad school. I have a friend who is getting a degree in interior design just because she wants to. I'm sure it's not cheap, and the projects are insane, but it's something I think I would love to do. I love using color, yet I'm stuck in an apartment where we aren't allowed to paint the walls. I can't wait to get our own home to decorate! I'll seriously have a blast!

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