Tomorrow, which is Monday, is a big day. First, Rob has an interview for a new job which would be quite a significant promotion for him. We are really praying for him to get this new job. He would no longer be working in student accounts which is something that he doesn't enjoy all too much. It comes with great amounts of stress, which would be reduced if he got this new job. As a wife, I am praying so hard that God would give this job to him, because I hate that nearly every day he comes home from work frustrated.
Tomorrow my brother Matt leaves for Taiwan where he will be for about three weeks. I am excited for him. I think that he and his ministry team will have a wonderful experience there. I'm just praying for their safety as Taiwan has been receiving a lot of large typhoons lately. They will be living in downtown Taipei and performing there. I can't wait to see his pictures and hear about his trip! I am so proud of my brother. I'm so happy that he loves what he is doing and that he is serving God with his talents.
6 months
9 years ago